
Athersys reports positive results from early GvHD clinical trial

Stem cell therapy developer Athersys (NASDAQ:ATHX) reported positive interim results from a phase 1 clinical trial in patients with leukemia or similar blood cancers. The trial showed that the company’s MultiStem technology was well tolerated at all dose levels and also suggested that the technology may reduce the incidence of severe graft-versus-host disease, according to […]

Stem cell therapy developer Athersys (NASDAQ:ATHX) reported positive interim results from a phase 1 clinical trial in patients with leukemia or similar blood cancers.

The trial showed that the company’s MultiStem technology was well tolerated at all dose levels and also suggested that the technology may reduce the incidence of severe graft-versus-host disease, according to a statement from Cleveland-based Athersys. Graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) often occurs after a stem cell or bone marrow transplant in which the newly transplanted material attacks the transplant recipient’s body.

The patients involved in the study were undergoing stem cell transplants to treat leukemia and other similar diseases.

Athersys’ MultiStem is an off-the-shelf stem cell treatment derived from the bone marrow of adults or other nonembryonic sources. The technology has shown promise in reducing inflammation, protecting damaged tissue and forming new blood vessels.

CEO Gil Van Bokkelen said he was “very encouraged” by the results of the trial.

Athersys is investigating MultiStem for the treatment of several conditions in addition to GvHD, including stroke, irritable bowel syndrome and heart attack.

Still, most of the studies are in the early stages, so it’ll be a long, tough slog before Athersys gets any drugs on the market — likely four or five years.