MedCity Influencers

Demanding job? No growth potential? The stress could kill you

The fast track can, over time, take its toll. New research in women finds a high-stress, demanding job with little or no growth potential can raise the risk of heart problems — including heart attack or stroke, or even early death — by 40 percent.

Chances are you already complain about the pressures of your job. But it may be affecting more than just your mood.

Senior Health Correspondent Monica Robins reports how a high stress job might have long lasting consequences on your health.

The fast track can, over time, take its toll.

New research in women finds a high-stress, demanding job with little or no growth potential can raise the risk of heart problems — including heart attack or stroke, or even early death — by 40 percent.

Similar links have been shown previously in men.

Watch Robins’ segment here:

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